Urgent Help Needed
Our heartfelt thanks to everyone for their contributions to the DMC’s basement renovation. After more than six months of hard work, the renovation is complete except the kitchen installation. Your generous support has made this difficult task possible. We would like to thank the sponsors, especially Tom, Peter, Vieng, Biddya, Nantu and Jayantha, for their hard work and generosity of spirit.
The outbreak of this epidemic has brought hardship to our lives, but if we maintain a joyful approach, we can overcome this difficulty. Let us rise above this hindrance with a positive attitude. May the merit of these actions be a source of happiness for all beings!
The basement before the renovation
Welcome to our DMC building project! We sincerely appreciate and thank you for your hard work and generosity of spirit. Click here to read more...
Building Project |
Donations are accepted by E-transfer, [email protected]
WHO WE ARE?The Dhammanjali Meditation Center and Community Services is a non-profit organization that provides Psychospiritual-oriented counselling programs to our community and individuals seeking to promote their health and well-being, achieve their goals, and participate in our community hub.
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